With 43 years of experience at bar and commendable achievements as an Advocate, Mr. Bansal is a name to reckon within the Bar Associations.
Professional Portfolios:
Some of the Extradition Cases dealt with:
Similarly other Extradition cases of Fugitives involved in crimes of cheating, fraud, etc. have also been dealt-with.
Corporate Advisory:
Advised and drafted various corporate contracts and agreements such as Share-purchase, Merger / Acquisition MOUs , Share Lock-up agreements, Franchise-agreements, Joint Ventures and alliances; Intellectual Properties agreements, etc., for both domestic and international corporates clientele.
Other crucial assignments dealt with:
i) Drafting of Acharya Sushil Kumarji Memorial Trust;
ii) Drafting of Constitution of World Fellowship Of Religions, whose founder was Sh. Acharya Sushil Muniji.
iii) Drafted and formed The Global Women Rights Protection Trust under Chairmanship of Late Sadhvi Sadhnaji, disciple of Sh. Acharya Sushil Muniji.
We do not lose sight of the fact that our existence depends on the society and environment in which we operate. For that reason, the Sr. Attorney of the Firm has been a member of various social and legal organizations such as :
Social Memberships:
Mr. Bansal, being Sr, Attorney, had an opportunity to attend various reckoned conferences on diverse legal and social issues.